Sunday, November 29, 2009

back w. lamesauce

They are already playing Crimmus music.


I'm pretty sure that I've been devolving in the last couple weeks to some kind of not human lifeform because I have not been able to draw stuff and things.

But I really want to be worthy of this new black shiny flat thing, so let's practice.

Mock up of one of a series of Wanted posters I'd like to do someday, since evidently Raven Host is not well liked. I'm not sure why. Current theories include 1) we play the game as was intended and 2) we have the sickest (it's So sick) alliance name ever and everyone else is just jellus they didn't think of it first.


Also I'm not sure why the font size is yo-yoing between tiny and huge. Thanks, Blogger.

Friday, November 13, 2009

oh mai

Will update soon seriously, in the meantime go check out and let it eat up several hours of your life. >D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

fluff, part 0

I know it's just lint, but seriously guys, school is EATING MY BRAIN

I am weak, I know.

Someone actually commissioned me! Still v. excited! Will post them when they're done and paid for!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

unofficial holiday

Sorry it took so long to get this one out. sobbbb

Apparently today is 'Let's Draw Gambit' day, so...that's good. No, seriously, I had to withhold food from myself until I learned to draw a manly man, not those things in anime. I regret my life choices somewhat.

I'll let you decide how much I succeeded or failed - I'm going to get my chicken nuggets.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


As usual, I spent way too much time on something that simple. Hmm, what can I say about it.

It was late at night when I started, so that's an excuse right?

The proportions are a bit weird. I'm not exactly sure what the purpose was, but I think it looks a little different from my usual body of work, so here you go.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


'Cause I'm pretty sure that's what all the expressions on this page are saying, more or less.

Yeah, I dunno, I'm sorry about the fug. Tried something different, again.

Someday I may actually color something! And/or learn what a light source is!

Friday, October 23, 2009

west v. east

I grew up almost entirely on Japanese animation, and not so much Disney, really. As a result, most of what I manage to pictorially vomit tends to be of that persuasion.

So I tried something more Westerly.

I'm not sure why, but her hair screams 'retro diner waitress' to me. So she is.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

turnin' tricks

The Magician, again!


Friday, October 16, 2009


Cocking about with openCanvas some more. I think I'm learning to use it through the dastardly method of watching someone's saved file and then emulating them. Only, not as well.

Well, you know...whatever.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Have been feeling like I'm on a sugar rush or something lately.

It's funny, see, 'cause it's a bun,'s also a magician. HAHAHA.

Monday, October 12, 2009

all stitched up

Fooling around in oC. Last for tonight, maybe.

maybe he's born with it

Because I know you all come to my blog for half naked possibly vampires. Sorry. More boobs next time.

Alas I cannot post the thing I would like to. It's for a project, see.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

don't sing it

Faffing about:

Background image from soaked@LJ.

In order from right to left: Aquarius, take a guess (if you've read the book), and Maladict from Monstrous Regiment.

On the edge of the hollow, Maladict was lounging against a tree. There was this about vampires; they could never look scruffy. Instead, they were...what was the word...dishabille. It meant untidy, but with bags and bags of style. In this case, Maladict's jacket was open and he'd stuck his packet of cigarettes in the band of his shako. He saluted her with his crossbow as she went past.

He's also a Black Ribboner, so, you know...that's nice.

Friday, October 9, 2009

ritard: i don't think that word means what you think it means

I have to bow my head in shame again and admit that this was Hanibal's idea. Or maybe we collaboratively came up with it. That sounds good.

Let's go with that.

The idea here was for a 2d fighter entirely based on instruments and music. Rival Schools had a violinist, and Guilty Gear...has...okay, that doesn't count.

He is possibly demonic, for no good reason other than it's probably fun.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


If you thought this post was going to be Sonic fanart, prepare to be wildly, completely disappointed.

Also, I keep doing this thing where I enter the post title and immediately smack the 'Publish Post' button like a deranged Librarian, when I really mean to put some pictures in it.

This is a slightly expanded version of something I scribbled in my notes for accounting for pension funds, which was so exciting I...just had to do something else for a bit. The neck area is totally fucked, so I guess you can try to ignore it. I seem to like really minimalistic colours in my own stuff, although I can think of plenty of artists who aren't like that, whose work I'm a massive fan of. So that's about as far as I could get before I had to put the pen down and step away. Or else the entire thing would've looked like Chinese New Year and you'd be sorry now.

Go listen to the Penny Dreadfuls' Brothers Faversham! Do it!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

luna sea - 4:00 am

I don't like Luna Sea as much as I used to, but hearing that one still always makes me think about really cold mornings, and being perfectly awake when you manage to crawl out of bed.

No reason here. know. Thing.

Right. All the proper recipients have seen it, so here it is to...the two other people that check this blog who've not.

clears throat

Anyway, back when Bash was still with Old Folks, I'd sort of sketched up his Chosen and Sid's orky thing sitting by a fire incinerating marshmallows and chugging ale and whores but due to someone's meddling pointing out that his limbs were all out of proportion, I literally could not bring myself to put it up anywhere that'd see the light of day, even if it was through some really heavily frosted and barred windows. And a hood.

So this was supposed to make up for it. Voila! OF / Raven Host recruitment pin-up poster.

Not really though.

it's true

Cafe World on facebook is like the worst application for me, because one of my more minor fantasies has always been to own a happy shiny restaurant. Of course the fact that reality is always considerably more grubby has kept that more or less in the realm of 'haha, not gonna happen'.

Anyway the little avatars are ugly as sin, but that's what my chef would look like.

flat colours because i am soooo laaaazy

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

like d&d but with more screaming

So I unwittingly caused a bunch of people to run off and start to play DDO. Not even my idea in the first place.

Mea culpa.

As usual, since this idea was a good one, it's not mine but Maul0r's.

halflings are just so small

Also my brain is being slowly consumed by thoughts of tax returns and pension funds so I hope you'll forgive me that I pretty much start drooling on myself when attempting to make the thingy with the pencil go.

Am also trying out a Bamboo Fun, which is not exactly true
to its name, but at least it's not like the Slip'n'Slide which is the Graphire.

Friday, September 25, 2009

i like that colour

I'm really not sure...

This was originally to be Scorpio. Which it is not.

Raulald keeps making me want to make pies, him and his British accent and his pie-throwing.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

no shinies at all

Recruited someone, yay! Me = shaman. Him = magus.

Shiny disk, etc. I thought it was funny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

double your pleasure

Yeah, I know. Still isn't much, but I figured it's better than nothing.

Why is it that I can't manage to make a Blackguard look menacing, but my stripperesque Shammy does it just fine? He's wearing the LE head which has a permanent goofy leery grin.

And that'd be the Stunty Noggin he's hanging on to, for extra menace.

Saturday, September 19, 2009



Totally sideswiped and got whiplash from the first couple weeks of 'uggh what do you mean it's a new semester'.

It's not that great or original, but it's what I've got for an update, so have at it.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I've been a bit distracted lately, and that said, I'm not sure when this was done but it was probably in the last week. Maybe?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

pook pook

Many apologies for the second consecutive late post - anyway, Maul0r hates WoW, but still managed to come up with a neat idea after seeing the twins picture (the BEs; get your mind back here). So, the theme was supposed to be 'MMOs + Western Zodiac' and I pretty much abandoned the first part of it.

Here they are - but imagine they're elves or gnomes or dwarves or whatever. In the order they were done:

Terrible, isn't it? Almost makes you want to book a seat at the dentist's.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the other oC

I really suck at using openCanvas...probably because I have no idea how to paint. ಠ_ಠ Anyway, a failure of such magnitude kind of exhausted me, so just one today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

deluge of blizzard

Countering the flurry of WAR with WoW.

I'm afraid you're getting the short end of the stick in this kerfluffle:

Not mine.

Also, not mine. Cows!

Finally, the twins. Why are they always twins? Because I said so. Blood Elves do seem rather cheap and pretty, but they're the easiest to draw and that's not the reason I've made so many.


So because I've been "busy" getting ready for school ARGH GOD NO NO NO GET ME OUT OF HERE I may have been kinda unable to post anything in the last day or two. But, I will have a handful of WoW fanarts that I did for other people, by tonight. Maybe.

And so, as a peace offering for now, some older things that have been reposted ad nauseam:

Now I'd have loved to do more of these, but only ever ended up with this one, which is for Maul0r becuause amg I love blackguards (and I don't know if you could tell). So that's why I eventually made my own because my constant gushing over his was starting to unnerve him. I think.

I can only hope no one confuses this for how I actually perceive the world of Warhammer (haha see what I did there). Filed under 'affectionate parody'. But no, seriously, from the neck down they're pretty spot on. Don't ask where the squiggy's other leg is.

We miss you, Wombat. Well - I do. Maul0r was like whatever but he's just a dirty elf.

Total bonus - this and another astronaut illustrated very quickly for Hanibal's CD. He's supposed to send it out this week or something, the vile, lucky little...

And for having to repost this three times, I'm sorry. It was all Blogger's fault. Totally. I swear.

Monday, August 31, 2009

but there were horses

May have forgotten to mention I was out of town for the weekend.

But, went camping and horseback riding. Horses are fun!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Although I barely play my DoK and probably rarely will, I just think she's pretty, maybe more than my sorc. There's something about Disciples; witch elves are far too overtly sexual, and I've played a rogue to 80 in that game, so I've had just about enough of sneaking around, and then being snuck up on and stuck so full of sharp pointies in the back that I look like a really svelte hedgehog.

These are, incidentally, not my characters that I dote upon so much, except for the arm on the bottom (I had to sneak one in somewhere).

Aww, my guildies.

Look, it's Tzeentch's cousin Eugene!

He went into business and makes a living selling dog biscuits.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

family knows best

Baby magus on the left, main on the right. They're twins, they look totally alike, I swear. It's weird how that happens.

Maybe Tzeentch's favourite color is blue.

Monday, August 24, 2009

who took the jam outta your donut?

Someone did, because he's very upset.

No, I don't know why. He's a blackguard - you figure it out. Maybe someone didn't cap the toothpaste back at the warcamp that morning, or maybe he sprained his toes just now. Or maybe not enough people are playing WAR.

That's all I'm sayin'.

By the way, the biscuit buns were amazing. I'd have photos, but I seem to have forgotten my camera.

It still looks a bit prettier than I'd like, but hopefully not as badly as the last attempt.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

elves are like unf

One of our new members wrote a cool intro post, and I was like dayum dark elves are GQ mofos yannowhatImean.

My blackguard, doing his best impression of a bamf while trying not to laugh (at me).

Can it be breakfast yamcha time yet? That Wiki entry is making me hungry as hell ffffffff

Friday, August 21, 2009

con of blizz

So in honor (I'll wait until you stop laughing), another BE rogue. Well, my rogue to be more precise, but who's

Sorry, I was momentarily struck blind by the massive amount of pasty corpulent and/or stick thin half-naked nerd.

I'm better now.

So...yes. R is for it.

We can summarise it like this: Jay Mohr is on drugs, Goblin racials are OP like whoa, the game was too complicated so they took some numbers out, and there is another expansion coming and there is some crazy shit going down in it that they may or may not have stolen from other games like WAR cough cough.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

say it's not so

Oh gosh, you guys are victims of my lack of inspiration.

M has given me some good fanart ideas that I can't commit to paper, so have this ice-cream serving lolita who somehow manages to keep her apron spotless.

I'm thinking baby blue and pink? Angelic Pretty gets away with psychedelic pastels all the time.

I'm rediscovering the fun and joy of being a mage. Being an 80 mage. And farming for stuff.

My rogue got her Talbuks! It only took me years to sit down and actually get it done!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

baked goods

I now have a new favorite bakery omg. And I know, late post again.

Tired though, and will have more actual photos (like, from a camera) tomorrow.

All I can say is, Asians love their corn.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

mmo battle

Ok, so, I'm really not good at drawing big bald dudes that look like they belong in a Viking longship swigging some kind of extremely potent liquor and bellowing old war tunes.

That said, here's my marauder (with obligatory lobster claw):

Oh god, my eyes! The horror! It's so ugly I've gone blind!

Sorry, sorry. So here's my BE rogue, being extremely silly.

And apparently Photoshop hates tablets. It hates them and doesn't want them to be used in conjuction with its pristine, elegant self, so that's why I wasn't able to sort of fill in and make it look like proper lineart.

Shame on you, CS3.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

land of the dead panorama(e?)

So being unable to put together a full premade, and what with scens not really popping anyway, I hopped a flight to LotD to see if I could snag a few glyphs. Luckily, after camping out at Temple of Ualatp, a group finally came by to finish it. In the meantime I took these screens, which are in some freakish order:

My current wallpaper.

Who wouldn't want one in their courtyard? Scare away neighbors, that's got to be a bonus.

For reasons I can't explain, I like taking photos and screenshots of sky. Often with little to no other distinguishing features. Apparently WAR is no exception.

But this one has the statue in it again.

Architects? Tchoh.