The weekend was pretty excellent, actually! Saturday kicked off with some serious shopping, followed by the making of food. The meats and egg rolls are not so exciting-looking, but this is (in my opinion):

And then a Raven Host alliance meetup, of which I am conspicuously lacking screenshots. Disappointing. But here is one, if anything can be made out in it.

And finally, non-screenshot hide and seek, which is every bit as annoying as it sounds (but, still fun if you enjoy scraping over zones with a fine-toothed comb). This, from a failed attempt at finding Excrucio in Mt. Bloodhorn (well, he said he was in a place we might not know how to access). Actually...they both did.
I would show you where FaKe was, but that would be telling, and it really was a very good hiding spot so we'll save that one for the future.

I do love my zealot. <3
I'm going to be keeping tabs on this :)