Friday, September 25, 2009

i like that colour

I'm really not sure...

This was originally to be Scorpio. Which it is not.

Raulald keeps making me want to make pies, him and his British accent and his pie-throwing.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

no shinies at all

Recruited someone, yay! Me = shaman. Him = magus.

Shiny disk, etc. I thought it was funny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

double your pleasure

Yeah, I know. Still isn't much, but I figured it's better than nothing.

Why is it that I can't manage to make a Blackguard look menacing, but my stripperesque Shammy does it just fine? He's wearing the LE head which has a permanent goofy leery grin.

And that'd be the Stunty Noggin he's hanging on to, for extra menace.

Saturday, September 19, 2009



Totally sideswiped and got whiplash from the first couple weeks of 'uggh what do you mean it's a new semester'.

It's not that great or original, but it's what I've got for an update, so have at it.


Saturday, September 12, 2009


I've been a bit distracted lately, and that said, I'm not sure when this was done but it was probably in the last week. Maybe?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

pook pook

Many apologies for the second consecutive late post - anyway, Maul0r hates WoW, but still managed to come up with a neat idea after seeing the twins picture (the BEs; get your mind back here). So, the theme was supposed to be 'MMOs + Western Zodiac' and I pretty much abandoned the first part of it.

Here they are - but imagine they're elves or gnomes or dwarves or whatever. In the order they were done:

Terrible, isn't it? Almost makes you want to book a seat at the dentist's.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

the other oC

I really suck at using openCanvas...probably because I have no idea how to paint. ಠ_ಠ Anyway, a failure of such magnitude kind of exhausted me, so just one today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

deluge of blizzard

Countering the flurry of WAR with WoW.

I'm afraid you're getting the short end of the stick in this kerfluffle:

Not mine.

Also, not mine. Cows!

Finally, the twins. Why are they always twins? Because I said so. Blood Elves do seem rather cheap and pretty, but they're the easiest to draw and that's not the reason I've made so many.


So because I've been "busy" getting ready for school ARGH GOD NO NO NO GET ME OUT OF HERE I may have been kinda unable to post anything in the last day or two. But, I will have a handful of WoW fanarts that I did for other people, by tonight. Maybe.

And so, as a peace offering for now, some older things that have been reposted ad nauseam:

Now I'd have loved to do more of these, but only ever ended up with this one, which is for Maul0r becuause amg I love blackguards (and I don't know if you could tell). So that's why I eventually made my own because my constant gushing over his was starting to unnerve him. I think.

I can only hope no one confuses this for how I actually perceive the world of Warhammer (haha see what I did there). Filed under 'affectionate parody'. But no, seriously, from the neck down they're pretty spot on. Don't ask where the squiggy's other leg is.

We miss you, Wombat. Well - I do. Maul0r was like whatever but he's just a dirty elf.

Total bonus - this and another astronaut illustrated very quickly for Hanibal's CD. He's supposed to send it out this week or something, the vile, lucky little...

And for having to repost this three times, I'm sorry. It was all Blogger's fault. Totally. I swear.