Sunday, April 25, 2010


Oh yay, look how I've been ignoring you, my poor little blog.

It's not much, but it's something.

And I'd upload more but uh, some of this stuff I had to do in hiding, so I can't.

Friday, February 12, 2010

mean machine

So, continuing the campaign to draw less attractive, more tough looking characters.

Of course I borrowed my Warhammer toons.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

it's no accident

Kung-Fu Panda, as a movie, is beautiful it makes me weep. Like, actual tears.

Are you enjoying how my post titles are apropos of nothing? I am.

Some crappy phone-taken photos of semi-old sketches. The first one is totally random, the other two are based on WAR classes, see if you can guess which ones! Hint: It's really easy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

now in colour

Requested. This character / design doesn't belong to me. It's about half done, I guess.

I got the Eisenhorn omnibus and I really like it. I never expected to start liking 40k. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

mmm tanna

Half inspired by something read on tvtropes.

Finished (sort of, ok not really, I'm lying) version of previous partial rough draft.

Friday, January 29, 2010

winter delicious

Ah well, I thought it was about time to upload something again. :'D

WIP of a small part of a contest entry. I've been trying to get away from cute looking stuff, but it's still the fastest thing for me and I thought it'd be fun to enter. I hope to be able to finish something by the end date...!

Actual size. Before you ask, I've learned my lesson, I'm only working in 300 res from now on...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

eee eee eee

So, funny story. This is actually the mirrored version of the image and I can't get it back to normal. Not only is it subtly creeping me out, it mysteriously refuses to display in the correct orientation.

I still don't know what it is. Or why I made it. Puzzlement!

Monday, January 25, 2010

let's get cheesy

Aww, thanks, Dom / Maul0r (trust me it is a zero) for pimpin' me out.

Trust him to do this to me on the first day of school, eh? Eh?!

I would absolutely have loved to be able to post something new right now, but I think I won't be able to, so here are a few older things I've done anytime in the last several months.


WoW dwarf female:

Theme of 'anthromorphise a household appliance'. I chose my space heater.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Half wanting to test out the new pen nibs that just arrived, half feeling like I should at least pretend to try, and 0.00001 needing an excuse to make a funny face.

Partly I'd like to be a lot more constructive, but it's not my career (not that I have one, at least at the moment) so I sort of feel bad trying to allocate more time to practicing.

Worrying is not a good hobby.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Really had no ideas today. I decided I'd put stylus to tablet and see what came out. Well...better than nothing, hopefully.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

he has the power to move you

Or, I guess, the power to make you fall over by yelling in an impassioned manner. \o/

A friend's RP character. She's like a goddess of nature (although she's pretty stupid in love).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

how to

Another foray into trying to be more American. Did it work? You tell me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

now with renaissance flavour (tm)

Assassin's Creed 2 is so good.

oh look it is an update