Monday, August 3, 2009

grand opening


The weekend was pretty excellent, actually! Saturday kicked off with some serious shopping, followed by the making of food. The meats and egg rolls are not so exciting-looking, but this is (in my opinion):

And then a Raven Host alliance meetup, of which I am conspicuously lacking screenshots. Disappointing. But here is one, if anything can be made out in it.

And finally, non-screenshot hide and seek, which is every bit as annoying as it sounds (but, still fun if you enjoy scraping over zones with a fine-toothed comb). This, from a failed attempt at finding Excrucio in Mt. Bloodhorn (well, he said he was in a place we might not know how to access). Actually...they both did.

I would show you where FaKe was, but that would be telling, and it really was a very good hiding spot so we'll save that one for the future.

I do love my zealot. <3

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